
Winter is coming…

October begins and the last trimester of the year. After recharging our batteries during the holidays and after surviving September which can be very difficult, we need to stop a little bit to think about what we have already accomplished and remember where we are going.

Our main objective has been always very clear. Take advantage of the possibilities for cross selling between the clients and potential clients in Psicotec and Gestolasa.

Maybe one of our clients for Talent Development may be interested in analyzing the absenteeism in its organization as well as managing better its leaves and Disabilities… The possibilities of finding a payroll client which really needs to add talent… The possibilities of finding crossing business are infinite. But… are we listening to our cliens’ needs? And if it is so, are we able to identify that since our alliance we are able to cover them?

This is the reason why it is important to introduce the concept of intelligent selling.

Once we know everything we do, the next step is to be able to understand what every client needs and focusing on the most efficient way to satisfy them.

The way of approaching a small client is different from the one of a multinational. Even companies of the same size can have different process and times depending on the activity sector. Information is power, and having information about the market is the key to success.

Do we have the information we need? Are we able to achieve it? And what is more important… Do we store information in commercial management system tailored to our needs? Implanting a CRM is a critical point in the commercial strategy of each organization, especially for Human Resources consultancy. In this environment where trust comes from information, it is a decisive value.

Con una correcta gestión de la información las posibilidades que se abren ante nosotros son aún mayores. La segmentación, la atención personalizada y el seguimiento de cuentas a lo largo del tiempo deben impulsarnos durante los próximos tres meses (y más allá) para terminar el año como nos merecemos.

With a correct management of information, possibilities are even wider. Segmentation, customized attention and account follow-ups need to be done to get the year finish as we deserve.

Good luck to everyone!

Thursday, 4th October 2018

2019-04-25T16:35:41+00:00 Wednesday, 24 de April, 2019|