Thinking about the future in order to improve the present.
Psicotec bids for innovation, and invests contanstly in R+ I+D+i as a way to offer the most innovative digital solutions to its clients.
Our efforts are aimed to implement digital tools that may ease the development of their projects, their follow-up and measuring their results. These tools can assure the succesful achievement of their goals.
Cloud system to manage all the recruitment processes.
Psicotec On-line
Monitoring data in social media
Working personality reports
By monitoring and analysing social media thanks to big data tools, Psicotec can comply candidates’s personality reports.
We count on the best strategic partners in the field.
Employer branding analysis
By using data analysis in social media, we can prepare reports related to the company position as employer branding.
At the same time, our digital tool allows to perfom real-time tracking.
Do you have any query? We are here to help you
As a Human Resources Consultancy ,especialized in Selection, we actively listen to you and asses you in order to give you the best solution wich fits best to your needs.
Contact our selection department without engagement.
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