
Top Hits for a Successful Evaluation


Assessment, from the latin, assidere, “siting next to”.

Used frequently to talk about the judge assistant with sited next to them and help him to achieve a verdict.

The etymology of this world will offer us one of the main essential features: closeness and knowledge of the people, of its performance, skills and values, to achieve a true evaluation and deepen evaluation.

Besides the etymology, if you want to know how to improve the assessment processes in your organization please, keep on reading.  i

AC/DC – Assessment and Development Center

Assessment is a process in the Human Resources field that tends to be associate with talent, Is one of the main tools to add, develop, control and know real situation of people and teams.

We can identify to big assessment types, depending on its objectives:

  • Assessment Center: Focus on evaluating external talent with regards to future incorporation. Besides, it can be oriented towards intern talent with the aim of having an idea of the real situation of people and teams.
    • Its main objective must be assuring the adaptation person-position-company and the Development potential.
  • Development Center: An assessment that can be apply either for identifying high potential groups or to discover strengths and Development areas.
    • It is the departure point to work in a transversal way in the field of Talent Development of the organization and can originate Development and Retention plans.

Aunque cada tipo de evaluación tiene una metodología y herramientas específicas, sí comparten ciertos criterios comunes…

Even if each style has specific methodologies and tools, they do have some common points:

“Under my skin” – Keys for a deep Assessment

Define the objectives in a clear way

It can determinate the success in the project. Depending on the results you are looking for, you will have to look for the right assessment style, using a specific set of techniques or tools. If there is not any definition, you will not find conclusive results.

  •  Do not forget the importance of communication
  • Communication is the cornerstone for this kind of projects and must be as fluid as possible. Information must be granted before, during and after the process to all the people assess for letting them knowing the process and to reduce the fears they may come across with. If there is a lack of transparency, the work climate can be affected and the project itself damaged.
  •  Design and implant a detailed action plan

A contrasted methodology can be translated in a timing, a set of on-site and on-line actions and adapted tools for the project. Among the most notable tools there are:

  1.  Personal interview and the Behavioural Event Intervew.
  2. Skills tests, idiomatic or technical tests
  3. Situational tests – on the job, bussines case, role play, in basket, group dynamics…
  4. Statistics and factorial analysis
  5. Digital tools– New technologies specialized in Assessment.
  • And specially… trust in an expert

In Psicotec we have been evaluating talent for 30 years. This expertise is translated in an intern methodology of high level (APP: Assessment Program Profile) a high satisfaction rate among our clients and a sectorial specialization. At the same time, we implement digital tools such as:

  • Personality analysis by digital footprint for Young talent processes.
  • Gamification techniques for the most innovative processes involving digital talent.

The next step, after knowing how to achieve a successful Assessment, is implementing it. If you want to know some of our success stories or to be adviced without commitment, contact info@psicotec.com

2019-04-24T16:18:20+00:00 Wednesday, 9 de May, 2018|