
5 Trends in Selection that you should know

Everything changes, nothing remains.

This quote by Heraclitus seems more in trend than ever. The labour market is in constant change and the Companies are more aware than ever about the importance of People. A good team management with the optimization of work load will help them to make the most of intern skills and to boost productivity and incomes.

This is the reason why it is interesting to anticipate and to consider the five trends in Recruiting and Selection for 2018 in this beginning of year.

Are you updated? Psicotec, an international Human Resources Consultancy with an expertise of 30 years, gives you the tips to make the most of your selection strategy.

  1. Talent is key

Aptitude + Attitude + Knowledge.  Adding these three factors will allow us to boost performance and productivity in the organization. We need to focus in extern talent acquisition and in keeping intern talent. It is not about maintaining what we are, but thinking about the future is more and more important. What do we want to become? Which kind of profiles do we need to achieve it?

 Tip: A right identification and management of Talent can be a Competitive Advantage hard to overcome by our competitors.

2–Skills and values – The hardcore of the Selection process

Knowledge and expertise in candidates are the base for Selection but, besides of them, there also are the skills and values which make the difference. Organizational culture is a reality in which workers need to be involved day by day and which set the way they identify with the organizational aims. It is essential to know the way personality, thoughts, acts and feelings of our collaborators if we look for the right adaptation person-position-company.

  • Tip: The better this adaptation is, the bigger the commitment with the Company will be..


La Selección debe ser flexible y buscar en todo momento la solución más adecuada para la necesidad de la organización. Perfiles diferentes, medios exclusivos, agilidad y diversidad generacional. El responsable de selección de hoy debe ser capaz de adaptarse y alternar todo tipo de perfiles y modelos de contratación para dar respuesta a las necesidades de Talento que surgen en el día a día de la actividad.

Selection processes must be flexible and must always look for the best solution for the organization need. Different profiles, exclusive methods, agility and generational diversity are a must in a successful selection process. The responsible for it ought to be able to adapt and swift between profiles and contracting models in order to answer the needs for talent that may occur in a day-to-day activity.

  • Tip: Be especially aware of Selection by Project, Young Talent and Job Hoppers.


  • 4. Digital transformation in your processes
  • It is clear that what have already been trendy in 2017 will be essential next year. Even if you have a good Human Resources management, without the latest tools and processes which will adapt to your needs, you will be left behind. It is a small investment which will give you great benefits in the long term.
  • Tip: Do not lose track in new technologies: Big Data, Digital Tool, HR Analytics HR People…
  1. Future to come – Talent will be digital or will not be

Puede parecer radical pero toda revolución lo es. El entorno digital está aquí para quedarse y afecta a todas las esferas de nuestra vida. Las generaciones que comienzan a incorporarse al mercado laboral tienen algo en común: son nativos digitales. ¿Estamos preparados para incorporar este tipo de Talento? ¿Sabemos dónde encontrarlo o cómo atraerlo? Es el momento de apostar por el Futuro de la Selección.

As radical as it may seem, digital tools are here to stay and affect our life in all the spheres of life. Generations that are now entering the labour market has something in common: they are all digital natives. Are we ready to add this kind of Talent? Do we know how to find it or attract it? It is the right time to bet for Selection Future.

  • Tip: Trust in an expert to identify and attract the most suitable Talent to your organization. Do you know Psicotec solutions?
2019-04-24T16:11:12+00:00 Wednesday, 31 de January, 2018|