
Psicotec launches a new integral service of Mentoring: Psicotec Mentor & Talent


Mentor was the person to whom Ulysses entrusted not only the education of his son Telámaco, but also his home. From that moment, he became a guide, confidant and even his traveling companion in search of his father. It was beyond a relationship of care, becoming a key figure for young Telemachus to learn how to cope and take on his role and his future.Mentoring is one of the most useful tools for developing and linking talent in organizations, and despite this fact, it remains unknown and one of the most doubts it raises.

Its objective is to optimize, as a vehicle of transmission of values, knowledge, skills and business style of the people who integrate the organization to accompany others in its development, establishing transparent and fluid communication channels.

This program can be divided into three major complementary blocks:

• Prior consulting: analysis of the project and support to the organization in setting objectives, framework and resources necessary for the implementation and follow-up of the mentoring process.

• Mentor training: ensuring that mentors have the resources they need to effectively communicate their knowledge and guide the mentee.

• Technology platform (in beta phase): one of the aspects that most complicate the effective implementation of mentoring in organizations is the follow-up and control of the processes. To speed up this point, Psicotec is developing a technology platform that will allow the mentor and mentee to organize their sessions and tasks independently.

This new service is born of a demand that exists in the market and will allow the entire organization that seeks a simple, agile and innovative way to focus on mentoring, can undertake a project of this type, from start to finish, having the support of Psicotec as a consultant specialist in Talent Development.

2019-04-25T16:51:18+00:00 Monday, 5 de June, 2017|